Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. What will we Cover?

    1. What is Recruitment?

    2. Recruitment challenges

    3. Recruitment Trends

    4. Sourcing Candidates

    5. Candidate Sourcing Strategies

    6. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Recruitment and Selection Process

    2. Job Vacancy

    3. Job Analysis

    4. Attracting Candidates

    5. Screening Candidates

    6. Interviewing Candidates

    7. Selecting and Appointing Candidates

    8. Induction & Training

    9. Employee Evaluation

    10. Activity: Review your current approach to recruitment and selection

    1. Question Technique

    2. Reasons for Interviews Failing

    3. Types of Questions

    4. Other Selection Methods

    5. Quiz

    6. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Phone Interviews

    2. How to conduct a phone screen interview

    3. Prepare for the Interview

    4. Schedule the interview

    5. Introduce yourself

    6. Ask the phone screening questions

    7. Ask if they have questions for you

    8. Explain the next steps

    9. Best phone interview questions

    10. Traditional Interviews

    11. Situational Interviews

    12. Top 10 Situational Interview Questions

    13. Example Situational Interview Questions and Answers

    14. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Types of Interview Questions

    2. Questions that assess personality

    3. Questions that demonstrate abilities

    4. Questions that determine qualifications

    5. Questions that predict behavior

    6. Questions that demonstrate knowledge

    7. Interview questions by type with sample answers

    8. Test Your Knowledge

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 61 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content